Dear students studying Japanese,
こんにちは!Thank you to everyone who participated and supported the reading and language exchange club “Tadoku Talk” last semester. We are happy to announce that the club will continue this semester, and that our first meeting will be on Monday, January 22nd at MH112 (4:30-5:30pm). Afterwards, the club will meet bi-weekly on Mondays (4:30-5:30pm). Here is a summary of the meeting dates for this semester:
- Meeting #1: Jan 22
- Meeting #2: Feb 5
- Meeting #3: Feb 26
- Meeting #4: Mar 11
- Meeting #5: Mar 25
- Meeting #6: Apr 8
- Meeting #7: Apr 22
For those returning, we’re looking forward to “Tadoku Talking” with you again soon! イエイ~ヽ(^o^)丿. If you’re new, please check out the attached flyers for brief information about the purpose of the club. At our meetings, we will have speaking and reading activities, as well as a collection of books in Japanese you may borrow from. Of course, you are free to bring your own reading material as well!
Thank you for reading!