Educational Background
PhD in Modern Chinese Literature (Minor in Comparative Literature), Stanford University
MA in Modern Chinese Literature, Stanford University
BA in Chinese Studies, Hamburg University
BA in Chinese Literature, Peking University
Research Areas
- 20th century Chinese literature, film, and culture
- Cultural constructions of “Chineseness”
- Representations of the Chinese diaspora in film and literature
- Asian American literature and film
- Literary theory and criticism
- Theories of ideology and representation
- Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
- Gender Studies and Feminism
- Transnational Chinese Popular Culture
Selected Bibliography
“Gender and Cinema: Speaking Through Images of Women,” in Asian Cinema, vol. 22, no. 1, Spring/Summer 2011,192-208.
“Whereto for Multiculturalism: The German Debate on Leitkultur and the Promise of Cultural Studies,” in Reza Hasmath ed. Managing Ethnic Diversity: Meanings and Practices from an International Perspective (UK: Ashgate Press, 2011), 199-220.
“Beyond Ethnicity, Into Equality: Re-thinking Hybridity and Transnationalism in a Local Chinese Play,” in Handel Wright and Meagan Morris eds. special issue on “Transnationalism and Cultural Studies” in Journal of Cultural Studies (Blackwell Publishers), Fall 2009, 23:5/6, 775-794.
“Gilded-Age Memories of the Cultural Revolution,” co-authored with Guobin Yang, in The China Review, University of Hong Kong Press, October 2005, 5:2, 1-11.
“Nostalgia for the Future: Cultural Revolution Memory in Two Transnational Chinese Narratives,” in special issue on the Cultural Revolution, The China Review, (University of Hong Kong Press), October 2005, 5:2, 43-63.