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General Information

Associate Professor
Other Title
Director, Chinese Language Flagship Center

Contact Information

Moore Hall 357

Educational Background

PhD in Chinese Linguistics, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
MA in Theoretical Linguistics, Peking University
BA in Chinese Language and Literature, Tianjin Normal University

Research Areas

Chinese linguistics, lexical semantics, cognitive linguistics, teaching pedagogy, technology in language teaching and learning

Selected Bibliography

Wang, H., & Jiang, S. (in press, 2018). Chinese for Specific Purposes: A broader perspective. In C-R. Huang, Z. Jing-Schmidt, & B. Meisterernst (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of applied Chinese linguistics. Oxon, United Kingdom: Routledge, Taylor & Francis.

Jiang, S. (2017). The semantics of Chinese classifiers and linguistic relativity. London and New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. (216 pages).

Jiang, S. (2017). The impacts of theme-based language instruction: A case study of an advanced Chinese intensive program. Journal of the National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, 21, 167-208.

Jiang, S. (2014). Superior Chinese proficiency and global debate. China Review International, 21(3&4), 244-256. University of Hawai‘i Press.

Jiang, S. (2014). Blackboard Learn平台上初级汉语网上课程的实践与探索 [Practice and exploration of the Blackboard Learn platform in teaching Chinese online for beginners]. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 5(1), 57–74.

Jiang, S., Wang, H., & Tschudi, S. (2014). Intercultural learning on the Web: Reflections on practice. In D. M. Chun (Ed.), Cultura-inspired intercultural exchanges: Focus on Asian and Pacific languages (pp. 127–143). Honolulu, Hawai‘i: National Foreign Language Resource Center, University of Hawai‘i.

Jiang S. (2013). 现代汉语量词范畴在认知心理上的表现与语言相对论 [The cognitive and psychological performance of Chinese classifier categories and linguistic relativity]. In Y. Shen (Ed.), 走向当代前沿科学的现代汉语语法研究 [Towards contemporary advanced scientific studies of modern Chinese syntax] (pp. 144–157). Beijing: The Commercial Press.

Jiang, S. (2006). Defining the so-called ‘core vocabulary’: A case study of Chinese textbooks. Journal of Chinese Language and Computing, An International Journal of the Chinese & Oriental Languages Information Processing Society, 16(1), 63–71.

Jiang, S. (2002). Chinese word associations in English speaking learners’ vocabulary. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association, 37(3), 55–72.