Section: Korean
Title: Instructor
Moore Hall 372
Section: Korean
Title: Associate Professor
Department Chair
Moore Hall 383
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor
Professor, the Department of Second Language Studies
Moore Hall 554
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Affiliate Faculty
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emerita
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emerita
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Adjunct Faculty
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emerita
Section: Other Faculty
Title: Professor Emeritus
Section: Chinese
PhD Program
Section: Chinese
PhD Program
Section: Chinese
PhD Program
Section: Chinese
Title: Instructor
PhD Program
Moore Hall 377
Section: Japanese
PhD Program
Section: Japanese
PhD Program
Section: Japanese
PhD Program
Section: Korean
Moore Hall 372
Section: Korean
Associate Professor
Department Chair
Moore Hall 383
Section: Other Faculty
Professor, the Department of Second Language Studies
Moore Hall 554
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Affiliate Faculty
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emerita
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emerita
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Adjunct Faculty
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emeritus
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emerita
Section: Other Faculty
Professor Emeritus
Section: Chinese
PhD Program
Section: Chinese
PhD Program
Section: Chinese
PhD Program
Section: Chinese
PhD Program
Moore Hall 377
Section: Japanese
PhD Program
Section: Japanese
PhD Program
Section: Japanese
PhD Program